Marco Bonomi, MD
Lab di Ricerche Endicrino-Mataboliche e UO di Medicina ad indirizzo Endocrino-Matabolico IRCCS-Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Cusano Milanino, Italy
Dr. Marco Bonomi is a translational researcher focused on the neuroendocrine control both of human reproduction and thyroid functionality. He is coordinating, together with Prof. Luca Persani, the Italian Network for the Idiopathic Central Hypogonadisms (ICH). His investigative approach is collaborative and multidisciplinary, spanning the fields of human genetics, molecular biology, using both in vitro and in vivo models. His research projects include: 1) elucidating the genetics of ICH, and 2) studying the molecular basis of Isolated Central Hypothyroidism.
His clinical practice covers the spectrum of the general endocrinology with a special expertise in the reproductive endocrinology and isolated central hypothyroidism.
Clinician, Clinical Investigator
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