Molecular immunology and vaccinology


Alison LINPhD Student
Pauline NORTIERPharmD, PhD Student
Rachel SCHELLINGPhD, Research associate
Rahel WINIGERPharmD PhD, Postdoc
Naomi MUNGURE Master Student

Research Focus

The Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Vaccinology (LMIV) conducts basic and translational studies related to human humoral immune system function in healthy and pathological conditions. Our lab's principal efforts focus on mechanistic, structural and functional studies of protein complexes, with emphasis on the development of novel vaccines and identification of site of vulnerability of pathogens. To gain detail description of these processes and to characterize novel therapeutic targets, we integrate cutting-edge structural biology methods from cryo-electron microscopy, molecular biology and biochemical techniques, computational modeling and functional immunoassays. Our efforts are done in close collaboration with several groups within the Lemanic arc.

Specifically, we aim to:

  • Interrogate the immune repertoire to identify human antibodies of interest, to be used as drugs for prophylaxis treatment against infectious diseases, diagnostic and tools for vaccine design.
  • Generate novel vaccine using antibody based vaccinology and rational design.
  • Increase antibodies response to vaccine by modulating the B cell response and in contrast, to tune down abnormal B-cells response in pathological setting of autoimmunity.
  • Understand the molecular mechanism of viral infection using recombinant approach and structural biology.
  • Follow the antibody repertoire response in case of chronic infections.


Current projects Covers

  1. Identification of molecular switches for B lymphocyte activation or inhibition.
  2. Mechanisms of HCMV mediated immune evasion.
  3. Structural elucidation of antibodies mediating neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 and other viral    glycoproteins.
  4. Computer-aided design of nanoparticles for next generation vaccine.
  5. Cross neutralization of human Pneumoviridae.


International collaborations

Pr. Neil KING Institute for Protein Design University of Washington. USA
Pr Karin LORÉ

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden.

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Selected Publications

 Last updated on 07/01/2025 at 11:24