EHVA P01 (European HIV Vaccine Alliance Therapeutic Trial - Trial 01) ANRS VRI08

Design: Multicentric and randomized, phase 1
Status: Recruitment in progress
Study duration per participant: up to 36 weeks

Study Title: « A prophylactic HIV vaccination trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a DREP vaccine against HIV Clade C alone and in combination with a Clade C Env protein in healthy HIV-uninfected adults.»

In this study, we will investigate the safety, tolerability and immune response of a new vaccine called DREP-HIV-PT1 (DREP). We are trying to find out if the vaccine is safe to give to people and if it does not cause too much discomfort. We also want to know if the DREP vaccine is able to stimulate the immune system when combined with other experimental vaccines already studued in clinical trials.

Contact us

Immunology and Allergy Service
Center for Immunotherapy and Vaccinology (VIC)
Rue du Bugnon 17
Casier 41
1011 Lausanne

Monday to Friday
08h - 17h
 Last updated on 21/01/2025 at 11:14