The Institute conducts basic research in medical microbiology and applied research mainly in microbial diagnostics. Additional topics are represented by associate or collaborative research.


The Institute has lines of basic research in medical microbiology encompassing bacteriology, mycology and virology, as well as applied research mainly in microbial diagnostics.

  • Research in bacteriology is focused on intracellular bacteria, mainly chlamydiae, and their relationship with human diseases
  • Research in mycology is aimed at deciphering the mechanism of antifungal resistance and virulence in fungal pathogens, including Candida albicans, as well as genomics of Pneumocystis jirovecii
  • Research in virology addresses several aspects of basic research in human pathogenic arenaviruses and human immunodeficiency virus, as well as clinical management of transplant patients
  • Research in microbial diagnostics (R&D) aims at setting up state of the art modern methods for the laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Research groups R&D

Additional topics are represented by associate or collaborative research in the fields of nosocomial infections, hepatitis C and E virology, as well as human papillomavirus vaccines.

Associate research groups Collaborative research



 Last updated on 29/07/2020 at 14:56