Venez tester vos connaissances concernant les dispositifs médicaux (in vitro inclus) et apprenez à réagir en cas d'incident impliquant du matériel…
Microbiology Institute in the media
Date d'émission: 13.11.2023
Intervenant IMU: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Canal de communication : radio
Date d'émission: 26.10.2023
Intervenant IMU: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Canal de communication : radio
Date d'émission: 08.04.2022
Intervenant IMU: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Canal de communication : radio
Avec le réchauffement climatique, les tiques envahissent le pays
Date d'émission: 07.04.2022
Intervenant IMU: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Canal de communication: radio
Emission: A bon entendeur
Date d'émission:30 05 2022
Canal de communication :Vidéo
Intervenants CHUV-UNIL: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Doutes sur la fiabilité des autotests pour les variantes d’Omicron
Date d'émission:28.07.2022
Intervenant IMU : Prof. Gilbert Greub
Canal de communication :Vidéo
Interview réalisée en allemand et traduite en français
Date d'émission : 19 juin 2021
Intervenant CHUV-UNIL : Prof. Gilbert Greub
Canal de communication : Vidéo
ARTICLE : COVID-19, Un tarif uniforme pour les tests serait préférable pour contrer la surenchère
Publié :13 octobre 2021
Intervenant IMU : Prof. Gilbert Greub
Canal de communication : Presse écrite
Date d'émission : 24 décembre2021
Intervenant CHUV-UNIL : Prof. Gilbert Greub
Canal de communication : Vidéo
Ces dangereuses bactéries: Le bacille de Koch
issued: 2nd january 2020
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Ces dangereuses bactéries: l'anthrax
Issued: 30th December 2019
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Que risque-t-on en allant se soulager aux toilettes publiques?
Issued: 21th June 2019
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Virus à tiques : pourquoi une vaccination recommandée en Suisse et pas en Franche-Comté?
Issued: 23th May 2019
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Vidéo
Interview realized in french
Méningo-encéphalite à tiques : pourquoi o caccine en Suisse et pas en Franche-Comté?
Issued: 23th May 2019
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Presse écrite
Interview realized in french
Faut-il avoir peur des tiques? dans l'Illustré
Issued: 22th May 2019
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Press
Interview realized in french
Retour des tiques : conseils et astuces pour éviter d'être piqué
Issued: 29th April 2019
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Faut-il se vacciner contre les tiques
Issued: 4th March 2019
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Analyses du microbiote salivaire et d'écriture des jumeaux
Issued: 28th February 2019
IMU contributor: Valentin Scherz
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Un virus de l'hépatite "MADE IN SWISS"
Issued: 27th February 2019
IMU contributor: Roland Sahli
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Un jeu éducatif qui traite avec humour des "MIKROBS"
Issued: 7th February 2019
IMU contributor: Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Interview title "Faut-il avoir peur des tiques?"
Issued: 29th May 2018
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Interview title "Worldwide emergence of resistance to antifungal drugs challenges human health and food security"
Issued: 18th May 2018
IMU contributor: Prof. Dominique Sanglard
Communication channel: Press
Interview realized in english
Interview title "L'efficacité des vaccins contre la grippe contestée"
Issued : 8th November 2017
IMU contributor : Prof. Pascal Meylan
Communication channel : TV Press
Interview realized in french
Interview title "Les cellules ne sont pas égales face au virus du SIDA"
Issued: 30th October 2017
IMU contributor: Dre Angela Ciuffi, MER-PD
Communication channel: Press
Interview realized in french
Interview title "Les cellules réagissent différemment au VIH"
Issued: 25th October 2017
IMU contributor: Dre Angela Ciuffi, MER-PD
Communication channel: Press
Interview realized in french
Interview title "La variabilité interindividuelle et intra-individuelle face aux infections"
Issued: 25th October 2017
IMU contributor: Dre Angela Ciuffi, MER-PD
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Interview title "Des probiotiques pour guérir de la septicémie"
Issued: 3rd September 2017
IMU contributor Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Press
Interview realized in french
Interview title "Quand le corps ingère un aliment avarié"
Issued: 30th August 2017
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Interview title "Zoom sur des symptômes soudains, temporaires et surprenants"
Issued: 13th July 2017
IMU contributor: Prof. Pascal Meylan
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Interview title "La recherche à l'assaut des tiques"
Issued: 14th June 2017
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Article title : "Evolution des entérocoques et résistance aux biocides"
Issued: 23rd May 2017
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Press
Article realized in french
Interview title "La grippe"
Issued: 9th January 2017
IMU contributor: Prof. Pascal Meylan
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Issued: 23rd September 2016
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Video
Interview realized in french
Video as part of the museum of zoology exhibition on parasites at the Palais de Rumine in Lausanne
Interview title : "Coup de frein aux champignons Candida"
Issued: 19th February 2016
IMU contributor: Prof. Dominique Sanglard
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Article title : "Pique-niques, grillades, alcool... attention aux intoxications"
Issued: 16th September 2015
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Press
Article realized in french
Article title : "Promeneurs, méfiez-vous de ces animaux qui mordent"
Issued 27th August 2015
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Press
Article in french
Interview with the Professor G. Greub
Issued: 21st August 2015
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Article title : "Les bactéries, nos meilleures ennemies"
Issued: 26th July 2013
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Press
Article realized in french
Interview title : "La salive de la tique transmet-elle des maladies?"
Issued: 29th April 2013
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Interview "24 heures avec un VIH: itinéraire d'un destructeur"
Issued: 11th Februar 2013
IMU contributor: Dre Angela Ciuffi, MER-PD
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Article title : "La gastroentérite"
Issued: 21st October 2012
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Press
Article realized in french
Article title : "Portrait Dr Onya Opota"
Issued: 2012
IMU contributor: Dr Onya Opota
Communication channel: Press
Article realized in french
Interview title : "Les amibes de laboratoires"
Issued: 11th February 2011
IMU contributor: Prof. Gilbert Greub
Communication channel: Radio
Interview realized in french
Venez tester vos connaissances concernant les dispositifs médicaux (in vitro inclus) et apprenez à réagir en cas d'incident impliquant du matériel…