Headed by David Pascucci, Ph.D., the Psychophysics and Neural Dynamics lab of University of Lausanne (UNIL) and Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) is one of the research groups of the Department of Radiology.
At the PND Lab, we investigate human perception and cognition through an integrative approach that combines psychophysics, computational modeling, and advanced imaging techniques, including EEG, source imaging, and brain network analysis. Our research aims to understand the unique aspects of each person’s perceptual and cognitive abilities and how they vary over time. To achieve this, we focus on how individuals use contextual information in perceptual decision-making and the role of neural activity fluctuations that characterize each individual brain. We study core areas such as visual perception, attention, memory, and decision-making, in both healthy and clinical populations.
E-mail: pndlab2024[at]gmail.com
Tel: 021 317 16 07