Sylvain Pradervand

Head of the data management and analytics group at the Center for Precision Oncology, CHUV


Sylvain Pradervand obtained a PhD degree in molecular biology at the University of Lausanne in 1998 under the supervision of Bernard Rossier. He then joined the laboratory of Prof. Kenneth R. Chien at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) to investigate the role of cytokines in heart diseases. With the emergence of genomic technologies, he turned his interests to bioinformatics and information technologies (professional certification in client-server technology from UCSD extension, certified Java programmer). He gained experience working for the bioinformatics team of the Alliance for Cellular Signaling (led by Nobel Prize Laureate Alfred Gilman) and participating in the development of the Signaling Gateway web site of the Nature Publishing Group.

In 2006, he came back at the University of Lausanne as head of the bioinformatics unit of the Lausanne Genomic Technologies Facility (LGTF).

In 2015, he joined the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) where he worked jointly with the Lausanne Institutional Biobank and the hospital IT department to set up the CHUV clinical research data warehouse. Since 2018, he is the head of the data management and analytics group at the Center for Precision Oncology led by Olivier Michielin.

 Dernière mise à jour le 29/06/2023 à 10:41