Solange Zoergiebel

Head of the IT Data Science team at CHUV ICT Department


Solange Zoergiebel is the Head of the IT Data Science team at CHUV ICT (information and communication technology) department. She is a “data” passionate and enable the organization to unlock the potential of data to fully support biomedical research, innovation and the development of Data Science. She holds a CAS in Data Science and Management from EPFL/UNIL Lausanne and a Master degree in Science and Chemistry Engineering from ENSSPICAM Marseille, France.

Her experience covers more than 15 years’ experience in IT and project management, in many business functions, with a strong focus on data. In her current role, she is leading initiatives in charge of developing the landscape to provide optimal patient data management and data governance systems. Her team is in charge of the HORUS platform (Hospital Research Unified Data & Analytics services) at the CHUV.  The goal is to make patient data available for research projects in compliance with ethical, legal and data governance requirements. Her mandate is also to support the development of analytical and predictive data science for clinical management and research.

She is actively involved in the SPHN (Swiss Personalized Health Network) national initiative to implement coordinated data infrastructures to make health data interoperable and shareable for research in Switzerland. In this context, she is the chair of the SPHN HIT-STAG board (Hospital IT Strategy Alignment board) in charge of aligning SPHN IT decisions between the 5 Swiss University Hospitals. One key project being SPHN-SNOW (Swiss Network of wearables) focusing on IT platforms enabling the re-use of wearable and connected devices data.

 Dernière mise à jour le 29/06/2023 à 10:42