Mauro Oddo

Full Professor, UNIL
Director of Innovation and Clinical Research, CHUV


Mauro Oddo is member of several faculty and hospital steering committees, and acts as member of the steering board of the three main networks for clinical research in Switzerland, the Swiss clinical trial organization (SCTO), the Swiss personalized health network (SPHN) and the Swiss biobank platform (SBP).

He was previously Head Physician at the Department of Critical Care Medicine, CHUV, and Chief of the Critical care research unit and the Neuroscience critical care research group.

Professor Oddo is a highly cited, internationally recognized, clinician scientist, with more than 280 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, and holding previous academic positions as research scientist at the Neurological Institute, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, and at the Center of brain injury and repair, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, USA.

He has received numerous grants – notably by the Swiss National Science Foundation – and awards – such as the Excellence in Clinical Research Award by the University of Lausanne and the Clinical Research Award by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine – for his works and achievements in clinical research.

He acts at the local, national and international level, as scientific advisor for numerous funding agencies, and consultant for med tech industries.

 Dernière mise à jour le 12/07/2023 à 16:32