The Cours lémanique

Every June, the CLM organizes, jointly with the Geneva University Memory Center (HUG), the "Cours lémanique", an annual post-graduate training seminar on brain pathologies related to dementia. This course is held alternately in Geneva and Lausanne.

The 2024 course will take place the 12th June from 8.00 am to 1.00 pm at the HUG, in Geneva. 

Programme and registration

Neurodegenerative diseases and environments

8th Cours lémanique
Wednesday, June 7, 2023 from 8.30am to 1.00 pm, auditorium César Roux, CHUV

A revolution in the treatment of cognitive disorders thanks to monoclonal antibodies?

7th Cours lémanique
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 from 8.20 am to oo.45 pm - Auditoire Marcel Jenny, HUG and by videoconference

A new approach to the diagnosis and management of age-related cognitive decline

6th Cours lémanique
Thursday, January 21, 2021 from 8.45 am to 1.00 pm


- Place des biomarqueurs dans le bilan étiologique, Pr G. B. Frisoni, HUG
- Quid des Interventions Non Médicamenteuses chez les patients avec troubles cognitifs ou à risque
    d’en développer, A. Brioschi Guevara, CHUV
- Place de l'imagerie isotopique, Pre V. Garibotto, HUG
- Prise en charge au long cours: interactions entre Centre mémoire et gériatrie, Dr Kristof Major, CHUV
- Prise en charge au long cours: interaction entre Centre mémoire et psychiatrie, Dre M.-T. Clerc, CHUV
- Apport en pratique clinique de la méthode en 3D pour le diagnostic des maladies neuro-évolutives
    à l’origine de troubles cognitifs et comportementaux, Dr O. Rouaud, CHUV

Subjective cognitive disorders

5th Cours lémanique
Thusday, January 14, 2020 from 8.45 am to 1.00 pm

News on cognitive ageing

4th Cours lémanique
Thursday January 10, 2019 from 8.45 am to 1.00 pm

 Last updated on 11/09/2024 at 10:21