Laboratory Members

Research Laboratory Members

Translational Research Members

Alumni Members


  • Diagnostic Hemostasis Laboratory (CHUV)

The research lab interacts daily with the team of the Diagnostic Hemostasis Laboratory (CHUV) managed by Francisco J. Gomez, chief technician.


  • Bleeding diathesis nurses (CHUV)

Bleeding diathesis nurses of our Division of Hematology, Ana-Patricia Batista Mesquita Sauvage and Chrystelle Chirlias bring precious clinical support for the categorization, investigation and follow-up of the patients with bleeding diathesis (hemophilia, thrombocytopathies,…)  enrolled in the research projects.


  • Service of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CHUV)

We have a very fruitful collaboration with Dr. med. Montserrat Fraga Christinet and Prof. Dr. med. Darius Moradpour from the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (CHUV), in order to investigate the clinical utility of thrombin generation in patients with liver cirrhosis.


  • Service of Transfusion and blood donation

We have a longstanding fruitful collaboration with Privat-Docent Dr Michel Prudent, head of Research and Development Products, and his team from the Blood products research laboratory at the Interregional blood transfusion CRS (Epalinges, Switzerland) with ongoing projects on platelet labelling and function. 


  • Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Unit, Division of Pediatrics (CHUV)

The recently initiated collaboration with Dr. med. Mattia Rizzi, MD-PhD has the aim of identifying children with acute hematological malignancies at high risk of thrombotic or hemorrhagic events in order to implement an individually targeted prophylaxis.

 Last updated on 25/06/2024 at 13:18