Which situations?

We are here to help you get a clearer vision when you are confronted with an ethical problem. But what are examples of ethical issues?

Here are some exemplary questions we address:

  • As a patient, I don't agree with the treatment plan the medical team is proposing, and I don't know how to make my voice heard.
  • I would like to renounce a suggested treatment, but the medical team still thinks that I should continue it.
  • As relative, I know the wishes and values of the person being cared for, but I have difficulty ensuring they are respected.

However, there are also situations in which we are not the right point of contact and for which other units of the CHUV must be consulted.

We are not responsible for:

  • Complaints after a treatment. In such a case, please directly contact the mediation department of the CHUV Espace de médiation.
  • Complaints following treatment. In such a case, please contact the directorate of the CHUV.
  • Ethical questions that do not relate to a patients' individual treatment but have a general or institutional dimension. In this case, please directly contact the CHUV Ethics Committee.

Who to contact?

 Last updated on 22/02/2023 at 11:20