Clinical Ethics Committee

This committee deals with ethical issues that concern the CHUV as an institution or that require a general recommendation. For example, it has dealt with: 

  • the revision of the institutional policy on assisted suicide
  • the implementation of advance directives (directives written by the patient on how he or she wishes to be cared for in the event of loss of decisional capacity)
  • general questions related to medically assisted reproduction. 

You can directly consult its written statements.

The following persons or groups may refer matters to the Committee:

  • patients of the CHUV, their legal surrogates, their relatives, their family physicians or a patient association
  • clinical staff and members of the board of management of the CHUV
  • cantonal health authorities
  • members of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine
 Last updated on 08/03/2023 at 11:17