Whatever ethical issue you face, we can help you reflect and make decisions.

About us

Ethics in health care is about analyzing and resolving conflicts or tensions between competing values or rights.

If you face such tensions as a professional or during your hospital stay as a patient, the teams in the Clinical Ethics Unit or Clinical Ethics Committee are available to help. 

Clinical Ethics Unit Clinical Ethics Committee

Who can contact us?

  • Patients at the CHUV, their surrogate decision makers (proxies), and their relatives
  • Any health professional who encounters an ethical problem in the hospital
  • Patient associations
  • Cantonal health authorities
  • The Faculty of Biology and Medecine of the UNIL.


Clinical Ethics Unit
Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm
Rue du Bugnon 21
1011 Lausanne
Clinical Ethics Committee
Route de Cery 60
1008 Prilly



 Last updated on 08/03/2023 at 11:03