Laboratoire de Recherche sur les mécanismes du vieillissement.
Dans un monde où l’âge moyen augmente, comprendre les mécanismes du vieillissement est fondamental pour continuer à vivre en bonne santé. Le laboratoire est consacré à la recherche translationelle; il se concentre sur les mécanismes du vieillissement et les maladies liées au vieillissement. Les résultats de cette recherche devraient contribuer au développement d’applications permettant de prévenir, retarder et pallier au processus du vieillissement ainsi qu’à la perte d’autonomie des personnes âgées.
Le laboratoire travaille principalement sur l'ostéo-immunologie et sur le rôle que jouent les mitochondries et le stress oxydatif dans les maladies liées au vieillissement comme par exemple : les troubles du métabolisme osseux, les troubles cognitifs et la sarcopénie.
The Aging and Bone Metabolism Lab
The elderly population is rapidly increasing, hence the disability due to age-related diseases and frailty has become an important socio-economic burden.
During aging, all systems and organs physiologically reduce their function; however, it is possible to identify a “healthy” versus an “unhealthy” aging pathway. This clinical concept translates into the scientific concept of “senescence” referring to pathological changes occurring in cells and accelerating their death. The early identification of risk factors leading to “healthy” or “unhealthy” aging is fundamental to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of aging and senescence, thus suggesting preventive avenues.
The Aging and Bone Metabolism lab is devoted to translational research; it is focused on the mechanisms of aging and aging-related diseases. The main topics of interest are inflammaging and the role of mitochondria and oxidative stress in aging related diseases as bone metabolic disorders, cognitive impairment and sarcopenia. As regards bone metabolism, the lab is mainly focused on the study of osteoimmunology.
The group leader is Professor Patrizia D’AMELIO and the research group is composed of a laboratory technician Mme Dorinne SAVOY, a post-doctoral researcher, Doctor Maria Morbidelli, and a research associate, Doctor Girieca Lorusso.