The Leenaards Memory Centre - CHUV (CLM) is actively involved in the undergraduate and postgraduate training of students in medicine and specialist doctors.
The CLM takes part in the training of students in medicine during the third year modules in the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne.
As part of the teaching at the bedside (ELM), a practical course of a half-day is organized in the CLM for medical students in the 3rd year.
The CLM is involved in the training of specialists in neurology, psychiatry and geriatry (within the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne), nursing sciences (High School of Health Vaud) and neuropsychology (Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lausanne), in collaboration with the related Swiss and European companies.
It also welcomes students in the MD-PhD program in Neuroscience.
CLM has established in collaboration with the Association of Family Doctors of Vaud , the Service of Geriatrics and Geriatric Rehabilitation and the Service of Old Age Psychiatry a program of continuous education for family doctors. These courses explore topics of medicine for the elderly. Program and registration(in French).