Radiation protection for Nuclear Physicians - FMH - Module II

The Institute of Radiation Physics provides this radiation protection training that fulfills the requirements of the Ordinance on Radiation Protection Training.


Develop the skills necessary to assume the role of a Radiation Protection Officer for the following applications:

  • prescription of radiological applications;
  • justification, use, and evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic applications with unsealed radioactive sources in nuclear medicine.


  • Tasks and duties of the Radiation Protection Officer
  • Legislation on radiation protection
  • Principles of radiation measurements
  • Selection and use of measuring instruments
  • Principles of radiation protection
  • Use of radioactive materials
  • Radiation working areas and working methods
  • Monitoring of external / internal exposure
  • Radioactive waste management
  • Quality control in Nuclear Medicine
  • Record keeping of radiopharmaceutical products

Target audience

Physicians (medical doctors)


Fulfill the requirements of Module I. 

Useful information

Course duration: 4.5 days

Course schedule: from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (8:30 am to 1:00 pm on the day of the exam)

Training location: Institute of Radioation Physics and / or Lausane University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne

Languages: English (course) - French or German (exam)

Participation fee: CHF 2,115 (Resit an exam: CHF 150)

Meals: Not included in the registration fee

Validation exam

Nature of the exam: Oral exam - joint evaluation IRA / FOPH (BAG)

Certificate awarded: Certificate of Radiation Protection Officer for Nuclear Medicine


IRA provides only Module II training. For other modules please contact the FOPH (BAG). 

Upcoming sessions and registration

Choose a session to register: 

Registration deadline: 19.04.2025

 Last updated on 10/02/2025 at 14:55