The Chair collaborates with a variety of actors, from political authorities to social partners.
Since its creation, the Chair has positioned itself as a centre of expertise available to the public authorities (Directorate General of Health, Cantonal Medical Office, etc.) and social partners (Réseau santé vaudois, EMS, hospitals, Palliative Vaud, etc.), with the aim of provoking reflection on the care of the elderly and their families. The Chair also plays and important role in coordinating and ensuring consistency in practices in this field across the canton.
Our mission at a broader population level is firstly of all to breakdown harmful taboos and misunderstandings surrounding the end of life and death. Opening dialogue within the family and close friends is an essential step. We regularly speak in the media and participate in public conferences.
Existing projects abroad are a source of inspiration: in New Zealand, the "Conversations that count" program, run by trained volunteers, offers a relaxed way of discussing the topic of the end of life, e.g. at a barbecue. In Germany, the ARD television and radio station ARD devoted a whole week to end-of-life issues. Learning about what is being done elsewhere is part of our work. This enables us to develop ideas for action to consolidate this debate in Switzerland. In a relatively new field, it is essential to be well networked at an international scale and to go beyond Switzerland.
The General Directorate of Health of the Canton of Vaud mandated us to implement advance care planning in the canton and to coordinate the initiatives of the various players.
Our White Paper is intended, in particular, to make other political bodies in French-speaking Switzerland aware of the importance of developing geriatric palliative care in Switzerland.
We guide the implementation of clinical projects by providing specific expertise in each case, or by redirecting requests to key people in our network. This service is aimed at healthcare players in the canton of Vaud (CMS, EMS, hospitals, etc.).