About us


The Lundin Family Brain Tumour Research Centre is a pioneering institution. Its mission is to promote clinical innovation to improve the outcome of patients suffering from brain and spinal cord tumours.

Three key priorities

To achieve this objective, it has set three key priorities.

- Firstly, it aims to enhance brain cancer research by offering financial support to a minimum of five clinical projects through a competitive grant program.

- Secondly, it is committed to fostering the growth of the next generation of researchers and promoting international collaborations in neuro-oncology through a post-graduate training program.

- Lastly, it seeks to empower scientific teams by providing them with essential research infrastructure to support clinical trials and research projects. This includes expanding its brain tumour database and biobank by incorporating additional clinical, radiological, and molecular data and making it available to worldwide researchers.

Our staff

The Lundin Family Brain Tumour Research Centre was established in 2022 thanks to the generous support of Mr. Lukas Lundin and his family.

A pioneer in the fight against brain tumours

The CHUV has been at the forefront of the fight against glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive brain tumour in adults.

Under the leadership of Prof. Roger Stupp, former head of neuro-oncology at the CHUV, his team developed two standard treatments used today: in 2005, the combined treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy based on temozolomide and the treatment by alternating electric fields in 2017.

Another significant contribution in 2005 came from Prof. Monika Hegi, Head of the Laboratory of Brain Tumour Biology and Genetics. Her team identified a biomarker that predicts tumour response to temozolomide.

These discoveries have contributed to significantly increase the survival rate of patients after 5 years, from less than 2% in 2005 to about 15% today.

 Last updated on 28/06/2023 at 17:14