Lausanne, jeudi 30 janvier 2024
Prof. Juan G. Abraldes
Advances and current challenges in portal hyerptension
Prof. Pierre-Alain Clavien
Machine perfusion in liver transplantation
Prof. Eleanor Barnes
Vaccination against hepatitis C-Where do we stand in 2025?
Prof. Pavel Strnad
siRNA-based therapies of genetic liver diseases
Dr. Cyril Neftel
Clinical Pearl
Lausanne, jeudi 18 janvier 2024
Prof. Maria-Carlota Londoño
New insights into autoimmune liver disease
Prof. Patrick S. Kamath
The liver in congenital heart disease
Dr. Joana Vieira Barbosa
Clinical pearl
Prof. Christine Sempoux
Hepatocellular adenomas: What's new?
PD Dr. David Semela
Liver health and the metabolic syndrome pandemic
Lausanne, jeudi 12 mai 2022
Prof. Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo
Cell-based and immune therapies in liver diseases
Ms. Carina Bobzin
Liver disease in 2022: the patient perspective
Prof. Robert Thimme
New insights into the immnopathogenesis and management of hepatitis B virus infection
Dr. Patrizia Künzler-Heule
Liver disease in 2022: the specialized hepatology nurse perspective
Prof. Michelle Lai
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: challenges and opportunities
PD Dr. Thomas Greuter
Clinical Pearl
Lausanne, 16 janvier 2020
Prof. Thomas Berg
Viral hepatitis in immuno-compromised patients
Dr. Eleni Moschouri
Clinical pearl
Dr Montserrat Fraga
Diagnosis and management of immune checkpoint inhibitor-induced liver injury
Dr Florent Artru
Clinical pearl
Prof. Francesco Negro
Eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030
Lausanne, 10 janvier 2019
Prof. Jan Felix Drexler
Evolutionary biology of hepatitis viruses
Prof. Fabien Zoulim
HBV cure - where do we stand in 2019
Dr Maxime Robert
Clinical pearl
Dr Montserrat Fraga, PD Dr Emmanuel Melloul, Prof. Alban Denys and Dr Michel Montemurro
Advances and current challenges in hepatocellular carcinoma
Prof. Christian Toso
Current trends in liver transplantation
Lausanne, 18 janvier 2018
Prof Charles M. Rice
New models for studying HBV replication and innate immunity (ZIP file)
Prof Andreas Cerny
The tough viral hepatitis case 1
Prof Alessio Aghemo
Clinical challenges in hepatitis C - are there any left?
Dre Cristina Marcu and Prof Andreas Cerny
The tough viral hepatitis case 2
Prof Heiner Wedemeyer
Hepatitis E: What's hot in 2018?
Lausanne, 26 janvier 2017
Prof Henry L.Y. Chan
Addressing the challenges of hepatitis B in Asia
Dr Sébastien Godat
The tough viral hepatitis case 1
Prof Jean-Michel Pawlotsky
Management of heptatitis C in 2017
PD Dr Matthias Cavassini
The tough viral hepatitis case 2
Prof Francesco Negro
Hepatitis C in Switzerland: current challenges and perspectives
Lausanne, 28 janvier 2016
Prof. Fabien Zoulim
Hepatitis B : current challenges and perspectives for cure.
Dre Astrid Marot
The tough hepatitis C case 1.
Prof Markus Cornberg
The challenge of hepatitis D in 2016.
Drs Karim Abdelrahman et Julien Vionnet
The tough hepatitis C case 2.
Prof Markus H. Heim
Hepatocellular carcinoma: the new frontier.
Lausanne, 22 janvier 2015
Prof. Geoffrey M. Dusheiko
Treatment of chronic hepatitis C in 2015. Whom? When? How?
Dr Roxane Hessler and PD Dr Pierre Deltenre
Interactive clinical case presentation
Dr Harry R. Dalton
The emerging challenge of hepatitis E.
Dr Konstantin Burgmann and PD Dr Pierre Deltenre
Interactive clinical case presentation
Hepatitis E: The Lausanne experience.
Dr Jérôme Gouttenoire / Molecular virology
Dr Katharine E. Darling / Seroprevalnce studies
Dr Roland Sahli / Molecular testing
Dr Christopher Doerig / Acute and chronic hepatitis E in Switzerland
Lausanne, 16 Janvier 2014
Prof. Charles M. Rice
The HCV life cycle: achievements and challenges
Dr. Montserrat Fraga
Interactive clinical case presentation
Prof. Jean-Michel Pawlotsky
Treatment of hepatitis C in 2014 and beyond
Dr. Julien Vionnet
Interactive clinical case presentation
Prof. Beat Mülhaupt
Management of hepatitis C in special patient groups
Lausanne, 10 Janvier 2013
Prof F. Negro
Hepatitis B Virus, A Global Perspective
Prof S. Urban,
The Hepatitis B Virus Life Circle: Achievements and Challenges
Prof D. Moradpour
Management of HBV Infection: Current Status and Challenges