Auditoire Mathias Mayor & online

Conférence de l'IUFRS - Pre Connie Berthelsen

Published by Peguet Coralie on 15.10.2024
Connie Berthelsen is a Professor and a Research leader in nursing at the University of Southern Denmark and at the Zealand University Hospital. This talk presents the role and work interventions of Transitional Care in Danish hospitals.

Transitional Care Nurses in a Danish Context: Improving discharge for elderly patients

Transitional care nurses are a vital part of hospital discharges of frail elderly in Denmark, especially in order to secure a safe and structured transition to own home. The objective of the talk is to present the role and work interventions of Transitional Care Nurses in Danish hospitals and how they strengthen hospital discharges through interdisciplinary collaboration and coordination.

The conference will be held in English and live-streamed via WEBEX.
La conférence se déroulera en anglais et sera transmise en direct via WEBEX. 

Quand? Mercredi 6 novembre 2024 | 13h
Où? CHUV Bâtiment hospitalier (BH08) - Auditoire Mathias Mayor & online (WEBEX link)
Langage? Anglais


Connie Berthelsen is a Professor in Nursing at the University of Southern Denmark and a Research leader in nursing at the medical department of Zealand University Hospital, Køge. Her research concerns transitions and transitional care of elderly patients as well as investigation preventions of hospital admissions of frail elderly from nursing homes.


About "Les conférences de l'IUFRS"

The IUFRS conferences are a seminar series centered on topics of research and practice in nursing and healthcare.

  • Target audience: Healthcare researchers and clinicians, graduate and PhD students in the nursing and healthcare sciences
  • Format: Hybrid (in-person & online)
  • Duration: Expert talk (40 min), followed by a Q&A (15 min)
  • Language: French, English or bilingually (depending on the speaker)

En savoir plus sur "Les conférences de l'IUFRS"

Les conférences de l'IUFRS sont une série de seminaires centrés sur des sujets de recherche et de pratique en sciences infirmières et sciences de la santé.

  • Public cible: Chercheur·euses et clinicien·nes, étudiant·es Master et doctorant·es en sciences infirmières et sciences de la santé
  • Format: Hybride (en présentiel & en ligne)
  • Durée: Présentation par un·e expert·e (40 min), suivi par Q/R(15 min)
  • Langue: Français, anglais ou bilïngue (selon expert·e invité·e)
 Last updated on 22/10/2024 at 12:10